Can I clean and store my contact lenses in water?

can i clean and store my contact lenses in water

We were recently asked whether it is safe to clean or store contact lenses in water. 

Tap and bottled water can contain amoeba and bacteria that are harmful to your eyes. This bacteria can cause eye infections and other serious issues.

We recommend that you bin/throw away any lenses that come into contact with water.

Contact lens solution is specifically designed to clean and disinfect your lenses. We recommend you only use recommended lens solution on your lenses.

Can I go swimming, go in a hot tub or have a shower wearing contact lenses?

You should also not go swimming, go in a hot tub or have a shower while wearing the contact lenses. 

Funky Lenses offers wide range of coloured, cosplay and Halloween contact lenses. Please view our products for more information. 

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