Feb 13, 2025
Feb 6, 2025
Jan 30, 2025
Jan 23, 2025
Jan 17, 2025
The great thing about Halloween is that you can make each detail of your costume unique to you and create what you picture in your mind. In the past, we have seen so many different variations of zombie eyes; different colours, different designs, with or without a pupil and the ideas just keep on coming. The important part of nailing your zombie recreation is perfecting that ‘undead’ look and an easy way to do so is by changing the appearance of your eyes.
You can use contact lenses to bring your zombie look to life and our range of zombie lenses goes beyond just a couple of different designs. We offer a wide selection of styles within this range, all of which look great paired with a Halloween zombie costume and makeup look.
Blind Contact Lenses - Popular amongst SFX makeup artists, cosplayers and Halloween go-ers, blind eye contacts create a terrifying result that pairs perfectly with any zombie look. Blind contact lenses are designed to cover the entire eye, including the natural iris and pupil, simply achieving the ‘blind effect’ commonly associated with movie zombies. Users should take note that blind contacts do severely limit vision due to how they cover the pupil, this minimises the amount of light let into the eye.
Zombie White Contact Lenses - A classic contact lens for this particular costume is the Zombie White Contact Lenses. True to the eye of zombies, these contact lenses feature a solid white iris just like we see in Hollywood horror movies. The appeal of these all-white contact lenses lies in the simplistic yet effective design; a white eye is completely unnatural to a human and the look of it evokes fear due to the unfamiliarity. These contact lenses do include a pupil hole, so you’ll be thriving in your zombie contact lenses with full vision!
Mini Sclera Black Contact Lenses - Black zombie contact lenses are also very popular when recreating this costume. The Black Mini Sclera contact lenses are an effective choice when looking to create an otherworldly, terrifying persona. The extended iris covers a large portion of the natural whites of the eye, creating an extremely unnatural appearance, perfect for a zombie look. These black colour contact lenses feature a pupil hole so vision remains intact whilst the colour of the lens creates a blackout effect.
The Funky Lenses Zombie contact lenses range features an abundance of different colours for users to experiment with and within our collection, you’ll find different duration types available too. If you’re planning for one special Halloween event, our zombie daily disposable contacts are a great choice! The single-use lenses are designed to be used only once before they are disposed of; the low-maintenance nature of these lenses is highly desirable amongst those attending single events as they do not require cleaning or storing after wear.
Alternatively, if your October calendar is filling up quickly with many Halloween events to attend you might want to try our multi-day contact lenses in different zombie designs. We stock both 30 and 90 day contact lenses so that users can enjoy multiple wears from their new contact lenses. To ensure your extended wear contact lenses remain in their best condition as well as hygienic and safe, you must take proper care of them throughout their life span. To do so, your lenses should be gently rinsed using a sterile lens solution after each wear, ensuring any signs of debris have been removed. Once clean, store your lenses in a tightly sealed contact lens container submerged in fresh lens solution. Your lenses should be kept in a contact lens case with solution whenever they are not in use to keep them from drying up and becoming damaged.
We recommend that all contact lenses, whether daily or multi-day lenses, should be soaked in multipurpose contact lens solution for a minimum of 2 hours before use once removed from their blister pack or glass vial. All of our contact lenses are designed to be worn for a maximum of 8 consecutive hours per day and should not exceed this.
At Funky Lenses, we know how important it is to get your Halloween contact lenses right. Our FDA-approved lenses ensure comfortable and hygienic wear, however, this is only possible should the user carefully select their correct optical measurements when making their purchase and the correct maintenance is carried out during the lifespan of the lens. Begin your Halloween dead zombie costume with a pair of terrifying contact lenses; choose your perfect lens from our wide variety of designs and colours on the Funky Lenses website. Why not add a splash of SFX fake blood from our SFX makeup range to really bring your look to life? Don’t forget to tag us in your Halloween zombie pictures on Instagram using the tag @funky_lenses. Happy Halloween!
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